5 Summer Landscaping Tips

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Man sitting on lawn mower mowing lawn.

Landscaping has the potential to transform the area around you completely. People enjoy beauty and nature, so public and private landscaping is common. Not only do people want to make their homes more attractive, but commercial businesses with well-planned landscapes can also be more inviting to potential customers. However, it is essential to remember the seasons when planning home projects.

Summer might seem like the perfect time to begin your landscaping journey. However, there are essential factors to keep in mind.

Here are landscaping tips for summer you can implement:

Mow Lawn Frequently

It is tempting to cut the lawn as short as possible when mowing it during the summer months. If the grass is short, we have to cut it less, right? While this might be true, mowing the lawn too short removes a layer of protection for your property.

The trick to proper lawn maintenance is frequently mowing at least once a week during spring and summer. While cutting, the grass should stand at 2.5 or 3 inches. This length will provide the needed protection from heat and assist with water retention.

Fight Off Pests

Pests can ruin your landscaping during the summertime. If you notice issues, create a plan of action immediately. If specific bugs are eating the plants, use a natural organic pesticide. Some plants ward off certain pests—a good example is basil, which repels mosquitoes!

Another pest that will inevitably enter your garden is weeds. Make sure to check out your landscaping regularly for any weeds. As weeds grow, they steal nutrients and water from the other plants. Removing them once a week can reduce the overall impact!

Schedule Fertilization

Another excellent summer landscaping tip is to fertilize your lawn regularly. Fertilization can help maintain the health of your lawn, giving it that rich green lawn that so many desire. Many people go with a lawn company or do it themselves if they have the time. 

Arrange Plants for Optimal Growth

When you get your plants, many of them will start small. However, planning your landscaping would be best done with growth in mind. Your plants won’t always be as small as when you got them. Planting them too close to one another severely impacts their development in the summer. Furthermore, it makes any future maintenance difficult.

When arranging plants, also consider colors and looks. You want your landscape to look pleasing to the eye. Maybe you want your favorite color as the centerpiece of your project. Perhaps your organization or business has a specific color scheme—implementing brand colors in landscaping is a great way to get brand recognition in your community.

Research the Type of Summer Landscape you Desire

Researching is an essential step in the landscaping process. Not only will you learn more about plants, but you will also develop new ideas. Perhaps you will stumble upon a photo and want to emulate that exact landscape for your business.

Landscaping is a lot of work, another reason why research is essential. You should know the types of plants that do well in your region to ensure success! It would be horrible to plant a beautiful shrub only to die months later due to improper climate.

Work With Grover Landscape Services

If you are in the Modesto area, check out our plant nursery. There, we have plenty of summertime plants to fit your needs! Our nursery experts would love to help you select the right plants for your yard. Call us at (209) 638-7711 with any questions.